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Loss of oxygen to the brain is the ONLY cause of death. Sure, you have different problems, like loss of blood, heart attacks, or drowning, or even major illnesses or natural death, but the problems themselves don't kill you. The problems' consequence, loss of oxygen to the brain, is what truly kills you.

Loss of blood stops the blood from carrying oxygen to your brain, which kills you. Heart attacks keep oxygen from your brain, which kills you. When you drown, you can't breath. No air, no oxygen to the brain.

So to answer your question, there is only one cause of death, ever, brought on by problems that people mistakenly believe are the things that kill you, and that cause is no oxygen flowing to your brain.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Cardiovascular diseases, which are responsible for 29.34% of all the deaths world wide. (

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