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If the owner of the policy is also the named insured, the insurer ordinarily pays the death benefit to the named beneficiary. This presumes that the policy was in force at the time of death.

If the owner of the policy is not the insured, the policy becomes an asset of the estate and passes either according to the terms of the Will or, if no Will, by laws of intestate succession. The risk there, is that if the policy is not fully paid-up at that point and premiums are therefore still due, the policy may lapse at some point in the future if premiums are not paid.

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Q: What happens when the owner of a life insurance policy dies?
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If a life insurance policy owner dies what happens to the policy?

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The new owner of a life insurance policy if the original owner dies before the insured.

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What happens if the policy holder dies?

If the owner of an insurance policy is deceased then is should be listed as an asset when it comes to distribution. If the insured dies, then any value would be passed on to any listed beneficiaries.

What happens to household insurance if the owner dies?

After the assets are distributed, a new policy should be written. I would contact the agent and inform them of the named insureds passing.

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Not under the standard auto insurance policy.

What happens if the sole beneficiary on an insurance policy dies before that person and the policy is never changed?

It goes to the estate

Does home insurance continue to the executor after a person dies?

The executor should contact the insurance company and notify it of the death of the owner of the policy.

What kind of health examination do you have to undergo before you can qualify for homeowner insurance?

You do not need a health examination to obtain home owner insurance. Your health is not an issue. If you were to suddenly die, after buying home owner insurance, the insurance company doesn't have to pay a death benefit, since home owner insurance isn't life insurance. What happens when a home owner dies is that someone else inherits the house. The new owner will have the option of continuing the existing home owner insurance policy.

What happens to a home insurance policy when the holder dies?

the house is paid off and given to the beneficiary

What happens if a person dies and leaves no beneficiary for his life insurance policy but there is a will?

In Canada, if there is no beneficiary of the life insurance policy, the proceeds go into the estate of the owner. This person is often the same as the life insured but doesn't have to be (eg a father buying life insurance on his son. The father is the owner and the son is the life insured). The proceeds form part of the owner's estate and are distributed according to the instructions in the will after all debts have been satisfied.

When a homeowner dies is the house still covered or do you have to get new coverage?

Any time the owner of an insurance policy dies, a new policy must be issued. The owner/beneficiary must have a vested financial interest in the potential loss. Otherwise you could take out a policy on your neighbor's life or home. In the case of marital property, the surviving spouse usually only needs to have the title of the policy changed if her or she was a co-owner of both the insured property and the insurance policy.