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It would most likely be taken off. I am not completely sure. But I think that is what happens.

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Q: What happens when someone with braces dies?
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What happens if you kiss someone who has braces and you have braces too?

Hey, Nothing Happens It Is Just Like Normal :) Dr E

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What happens when people with braces kiss?

well i have braces and when i kiss someone they don't get stuck in someones mouth. if your having a super slimey tongue kiss they are most likely to get stuck that way i know someone that had braces and at school she made out with a guy who also had braces, their braces got stuck and they had to be sent to the nurse's office to get detached from each other. :)(: it was hilarious!!

If a person dies and they have braces do they get taken off?


What happens when someone dies in another country?

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An atheist typically believes that when someone dies, their consciousness ceases to exist and there is no afterlife or continuation of the individual's existence in any form.

What happens to property when someone dies with no next of kin?

Typically property that cannot be claimed by kin when someone dies goes to the government. If money is owed on the house it is given to the bank.