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The self appointed trustee purchased a property as investment for his young son as beneficiary with the intention to manage it as long as necessary or until his death be passed on to his son without further ado. Is this position legally practicable in law?

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Q: What happens to trust property on death of the trustee?
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What happen to the irrevocable trust after the grantos death?

You need to review the document that created the trust. A trust should contain all the provisions necessary to the management of the trust property by the trustee. It should recite all the powers of the trustee and what should happen to the trust property at the termination of the trust. Title to trust property stands in the name of the trustee who holds title in the name of the trust. The type of trust you refer to usually has detailed instructions as to how the trust property should be distributed upon the death of the grantor and how that property should be transferred by the trustee.

In a trust what happens to the property when the trustee passes away?

The trust should list a successor trustee. If it doesn't, then will likely need to file a petition with the court to name a new trustee.

In a Trust what is the Trustee and Trustor?

The trustor is the person who executes the trust and transfers their property to the trustee. Since a trust cannot act for itself, the trustee is the entity named by the trustor to manage the property held by the trust. The trustee holds title to the trust property.

Can you sell land out of a revocable trust?

Yes, as long as the trust was properly drafted the trust property can be sold by the trustee of the trust.Yes, as long as the trust was properly drafted the trust property can be sold by the trustee of the trust.Yes, as long as the trust was properly drafted the trust property can be sold by the trustee of the trust.Yes, as long as the trust was properly drafted the trust property can be sold by the trustee of the trust.

Who gains ownership after death of trustee?

The trust instrument should provide for the appointment of a successor trustee and for the distribution of the trust property. If it doesn't then a judge will need to address the issue.

Can a name be added to living trust property?

No. The property in a trust is held in the name of the trustee of the trust. It may be possible to amend the trust to include another trustee. Such actions should be done by an attorney.No. The property in a trust is held in the name of the trustee of the trust. It may be possible to amend the trust to include another trustee. Such actions should be done by an attorney.No. The property in a trust is held in the name of the trustee of the trust. It may be possible to amend the trust to include another trustee. Such actions should be done by an attorney.No. The property in a trust is held in the name of the trustee of the trust. It may be possible to amend the trust to include another trustee. Such actions should be done by an attorney.

Can a co trustee buy quit claim property from trust and transfer into own personal trust?

First, a trustee is the trustee of a TRUST. The house may be trust property. The powers of a trustee are set forth in the trust document. If the house is owned by the trust and the trustee has the power to sell real estate then yes, a trustee can convey the house.

Can a trust's property be taken if one of the trustees has a judgment against him?

A judgment against the trustee in his individual capacity will not affect the trust property. A judgment against the trustee as the trustee will become a lien on the trust property.

Who has the legal title of the property in a trust?

Trust property.The title to the trust property is held by the trustee.Trust property.The title to the trust property is held by the trustee.Trust property.The title to the trust property is held by the trustee.Trust property.The title to the trust property is held by the trustee.

What is the grantor of a trust?

The grantor of a trust is the owner of property who transfers that property to the trustee of the trust. The grantor no longer owns the property. Once transferred the property is owned by the trust and the trustee has the authority to manage the property according to the provisions of the trust.

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Does a settlor have to execute a deed to add property to an existing trust?

Yes. The property must be transferred by the owner to the trustee of the trust.Yes. The property must be transferred by the owner to the trustee of the trust.Yes. The property must be transferred by the owner to the trustee of the trust.Yes. The property must be transferred by the owner to the trustee of the trust.