They eat it.
Yes, a mule can eat iceberg lettuce.
You can eat wilted lettuce. However, you should make sure that the lettuce does not have mold and does not feel slimy.
Tadpoles eat Boiled Lettuce leaves but the lettuce must be iceberg!! the eat bugs'
Goldfish do eat water lettuce as part of their diet.
Small turtles can eat both boiled and plain lettuce. Boiling lettuce makes the lettuce softer, therefore making it easier for smaller turtles to eat.
Iceberg lettuce is quite delicious.
Lettuce all eat
Guinea pigs should only eat romaine lettuce.
Depeds how frozen the lettuce is
rabbits, monkeys, birds, pigs, dogs will eat lettuce, deer maybe would eat lettuce, and many other animals. Some animals will eat lettuce but it doesn't mean it is their main food to give them nutrients they need to survive.