immediately family and the first born son of the first born son wears white funeral dress. all relatives wear white headbands up to grand children (3rd generation) wear white headbands. 4th generation decedents wear gold headband. 5th generation decedents wear red headbands.
equality and fraternity
Colors of the Filipino flag: Red: bravery Blue: peace White: purity
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In Filipino, you can say "hindi" to mean no.
It means, "I'm Filipino".It means, "I'm Filipino".
queen in Filipino language: reyna
It mean's "Filipno Male", when pinay mean's "Filipino Feemale". In general it mean's you're Philipines/Filipino.
Funeral means to sanctify or remembering the person who is not alive.
Funeral service.
A funeral rite.
Kanji means 2... I dont know the rest