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or to die

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Q: What does the spanish word morir mean?
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What do you mean by morten which is a spanish word in English?

I don't think that this is a Spanish word. Are you sure you have it right? Is it "muerte?" "Morir?" "Monte?"

Spanish word dies?

to die- morir

What does morir mean in spanish?

It means To die

What does morir mean?


What does 'morir de amor' mean in English?

Morir de amor in Spanish, means, to be consumed with love, in English. The literal translation is to die from love, but, in context, it is about being consumed with love.

How do you say you will die in spanish?

"Vas a morir", "Morirás"

How do you say i will die for you in spanish?

voy a morir por ti

How do you say play or die in Spanish?

play in spanish is- jugar- who-god die in spanish is- morir- mo-deed

What does No morir mean?

it means not to die

What does the Spanish word can mean in English?


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gaka is not a Spanish word

What does the Spanish word afuras mean?

afuras is not a spanish word.