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It means don't stir up trouble.

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Q: What does the saying let sleeping dogs lie mean?
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Related questions

When was Let Sleeping Dogs... created?

Let Sleeping Dogs... was created in 2005.

What should you let sleeping dogs do?

Let sleeping dogs lie means leave things as they are and do not stir up trouble.

What is the phrase 'Let sleeping dogs-'?

The phrase is "let sleeping dogs lie." It is the same as "if it isn't broken, don't fix it." These mean something to the effect of if something is serving its purpose, don't change it. If you wake up the sleeping dog, it might bite you. If you fix something that isn't broken, it might not work the same.

Does laissez faire mean let sleeping dogs lie?

Literally no, but figuratively yes. Laissez faire pretty much means 'Let it be' or 'Leave it alone'

What are the release dates for Men Women and Dogs - 2001 Let Sleeping Dogs Lie 1-5?

Men Women and Dogs - 2001 Let Sleeping Dogs Lie 1-5 was released on: USA: 11 November 2001

What does the idiom you will let sleeping dogs lie?

Leave things as they are.

What does never tickle a sleeping dragon mean?

Same thing as "let sleeping dogs lie" in the Muggle world. In other words, leave things as they are when disturbing them would start trouble.

What are the release dates for The Joker Blogs - 2008 Let Sleeping Dogs Lyle - 1.11?

The Joker Blogs - 2008 Let Sleeping Dogs Lyle - 1.11 was released on: USA: 31 October 2009

Should you tell the wife you had an affair with her husband?

No. Let sleeping dogs lie.

What are the release dates for Road Rovers - 1996 Let Sleeping Dogs Lie 1-5?

Road Rovers - 1996 Let Sleeping Dogs Lie 1-5 was released on: USA: 26 October 1996

Did William Pitt say let sleeping dogs lie?

No, the phrase "let sleeping dogs lie" is not attributed to William Pitt. It is an English idiom that means it's best not to disturb a situation as it may cause trouble or complications.

Who was the prime minister of england who said let sleeping dogs lie?

Robert Walpole