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a simple thank you will suffice.

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Q: What do you say to acknowledge a Mass card or flowers after a funeral?
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Do you send a thank you card for funeral mass cards?

No, it is not necessary to send a Thank You Card for a a funeral mass card.

What is the right thing to do when a neighbor's mother dies I have given my condolences but do I buy flowers or a card or make a dish of food?

If you are going to the funeral take flowers and a card if you are not going to the funeral just send a card, generally the food after a funeral is taken care of by the family and or those that are organizing the funeral.

Can you send a mass card after a funeral?

Yes. A mass card will be appreciated at any time.

Is it OK to send flowers when one of the partners has recently died on their anniversary?

* You would only send flowers to the widow or to the funeral service or both along with a sympathy card, but do not send flowers for their anniversary.

What is the JFK funeral mass card worth?

20-40 dollars depends on condition

Where do you get a mass card?

You can obtain a mass card from a local Catholic church or a religious bookstore. Some funeral homes also provide mass cards for purchase. Additionally, you may be able to order a mass card online from Catholic websites or retailers.

What to send instead of flowers for a funeral?

well u could a card or make a nacklace that's says the person who died name on it

What do I say to business acquaintance's mother death?

You can send a card or flowers and express your sympathy for her passing. You do not need to directly say anything, just to acknowledge it.

Is it bad to omen to bring home flowers from a funeral?

It is generally considered inappropriate to take flowers from a funeral, as they are meant to honor the deceased and their family. It's best to leave the flowers at the service or grave site as a sign of respect. If you wish, you can express your condolences in other ways, such as sending a sympathy card or offering to help with practical tasks for the family.

What is a Catholic Mass card?

A Catholic Mass card is telling the recipient that a certain prayer or prayers are being said at a specific time and place for their loved one. Mass cards are usually given in lieu of flowers at funerals. To get a Mass card you usually give the church a donation. I guess if someone was ill or just going through difficult times a Mass card could be given also; after all prayers are not only for the deceased.

Do you go to your Ex-Fiancee's grandfather's funeral you were really close to the man and her family told you he really loved you?

If you had a good relationship with him and would feel comfortable talking to your fiancee for a brief period, you should go. If you choose not to, you can still send flowers to the funeral or a card to the family .

Can you send a mass card after the funeral is over?

One should distinguish between Mass Cards and Prayer cards. a mass card is specifically an offer for a Mass ( Roman Catholic service in church) to be performed in honor of the deceased. This is not necessarily the actual requiem mass which there would be only one surch service. If someone only found out about the death after the funeral was over- which can happen-look at communications breakdowns following Hurricanes, or other combinations of accidents and communications failures- the proper course of action. One should not confuse- but many do, actual Mass cards with the smaller prayer cards which have usually, the basic facts of the deceased ( life dates, usually sometimes a picture- and usually the 23Rd Psalm or some other prayer, hence the term prayer card. these are mass-produced ( no pun intended) by the Funeral homes ( actually by affiliated printers) and are distributed gratis at the funeral parlors. They usually have religious themes. ( for example a portrait of a historical Nun) or Praying hands, etc, but are not necessarily actual Mass Cards. these things are in no way admission tickets or passes to funeral events, by the way, souvenirs, yes. so get it straight. Mass Cards and Prayer cards are two different entities