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because birth rates and death rates relate to population. the Birth Rate shows how much a population is increasing, and death rates show how much a population is decreasing. when you average the two out, it will give you the population(:

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Q: What do demographers figure out when they compare birthrates and death rates?
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Demographers figure out population growth by comparing what?

the answer is by comparing birthrates and death rates

What do demographers compare to figure out population growth?

Birth rates and death rates

How do demographers figure out population growth.?

Demographers figure out population growth by comparing birth rates and death rates.

A shift from high birthrates and death rates to low birthrates and death rates?

demographic transition

What characteristics of populations do demographers study?

Demographers study characteristics such as population size, age structure, birth and death rates, migration patterns, fertility rates, and population density. These characteristics help demographers understand population dynamics and trends over time.

What is call when the birthrates are less than the death rates?

Population decreases

What have been the levels of birthrates and death rates in human societies?

For the past century the birthrates in human culture have far out numbered the death rates which is why our world population has been steadily growing. People are living longer than they did in our past.

What do demographers do?

Demographers study populations and their characteristics, such as birth rates, death rates, and migration trends. They analyze data to understand population dynamics, forecast future trends, and provide insights for social and economic policy-making. Demographers also research topics like aging, fertility, and urbanization.

Refers to a shift in death rates followed by a shift in birthrates and its associated population boom?

The ice in the box

Did death rates go up or down in the US in the last 100 years?

Probably, but birthrates, too.

What factors explain why population in different countries at different rates?

Birthrates , death rates, women and male intercourse

Why did the populations of Latin American cities increase?

When death rates lowered but birthrates stayed high, the population skyrocketed.