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Q: What did the Aztecs do when someone died?
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When did the Aztecs die out?

The Aztecs died out in the twenty-first century

When Aztecs die?

they died 1552

How where the Aztecs treated by the spanish?

They were not treated well all there gold are stolen and lots of a Aztecs died

Who was moctuezuma?

Aztec emperor, who died after welcoming Cortes into his capital. The Aztecs and spainards grew strained, and the Aztecs drove Spanish from the city. Moctuezuma died in the fighting.

What happened in the year 1325 AD?

eople sarted killing the aztecs and 98% of them died and 2% of the aztecs survived

How many Aztecs died in the spanish invasion?


Why did the Aztec die out?

The Aztecs died out because of Hernando who came in with over 500 soldiers and killed off the race of the Aztecs

What disease did many Aztecs die from?

Most of the Aztecs died from a disease they had never seen before, which was SmallPox. When the Spanish conquestadors came over to conquer the Aztecs, they brought over this deadly diseas that ultimately wiped out the Aztecs.

What percent of Aztecs died from smallpox?

I think it was around 25%

What happend after The Aztecs after the Spanish conquest?

died or became slaves

How many aboriginals have died from smallpox?

94% of Inca population 3.5million Aztecs died from the Europeans when Cortez found Mexico (later he defeated the Aztecs, claiming the gold, silver and other goodies)

How many Aztecs died from smallpox?

3.5 million Aztecs were killed by smallpox brought by the Europeans when Cortes (Cortez) found Mexico. After the Aztecs contracted it from a Spanish solider, which had contracted it from an African Slave