Jim Hutton died in 1979. 3 days after his 45th birthday. Correction: Jim Hutton died Jan 1, 2010. He did not die of AIDS. He was 60yrs. old.
Robert Hutton would have been fourteen years old when Jim Hutton was born.
Jim Hutton has written: 'Mercury and me'
No. There are two different, unrelated individuals named Jim Hutton. The ACTOR Jim Hutton, father of Timothy Hutton, was apparently not gay.However, the HAIRDRESSER Jim Hutton, who dated Freddy Mercury of the band Queen, was gay.The ACTOR Jim Hutton died in 1979. The HAIRDRESSER Jim Hutton (1949-2010), didn't start dating Mercury until the 1980s.
Jim Hutton is Timothy Hutton's father. They aren't related to Betty Hutton.
Jim Hutton passed away at the age of 60.
Liver Cancer, in 1979, at 45 years old
Yes. Jim was Tims' dad.
I dont know but Jim Hutton did not give Aids to Freddie Mercury, Freddie gave it to Jim. Jim is still alive and Freddie died in 1991