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Answer: - It would definitely have to be drowning. If you're burning to death you're noticeable, someone can still put you out before you die. Drowning can be subtle as well as sudden. If you go out swimming or Surfing alone, you can be pulled out by the riptide. Water gradually fills your lungs, you're choking violently struggling to breath then you blackout. At least from a burning you have about a 15% chance of survival. If you're drowning, better hope you drift to shore and someone finds you. Answer: The above comment talks about the possibility of being rescued, which is not what the question asks; the question concerns two thing: death and pain. First of all, unless water is very hot, it does not cause pain; this would apply to the 10% who drown in the sea as well as the 90% who drown in rivers, lakes and pools. On the other hand, fire causes pain. Thus, in terms of physical pain, the question is already answered: death by fire is painful, death by drowning is not. Psychological pain should also be taken into consideration and involves the experience of panic. A person who is burning will suffer from smoke inhalation as well as burning of the body; smoke inhalation within a burning building will probably cause the person to asphyxiate, but the process will take several minutes rather than the "seconds" for drowning. In fact, if one reads the linked story of the Waco Horror, it is clear that burning to death can take 2 hours. A person who drowns suffers from intake of water into the lungs; unconsciousness follows due to lack of oxygen to the brain and cardiac arrest. As the Wikipedia article on drowning states: "Most drowning are silent and do not attract attention";this would indicate that those who drown do not have much time to be noticed before succumbing to the effects of water-intake. The attached link indicates that once the process has begun it takes 1 minute. There would assuredly be panic, but the duration would be shorter than for a person who is in a burning building or car. Again, pyschologically, burning is much more painful than drowning simply because of the length of time it takes to die.

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They both cause extreme pain, so it is hard to say which would be worse.

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Q: What death is more painful burning to death or freezing to death?
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