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what is the symptoms of hypoplasia

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Q: What causes hypoplasia in the brain and can it be cured or treated What are the pros and con of said condition What are the dangers and symptoms?
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Symptoms of psychosomatic illness still cause pain and discomfort and should be treated. It does not matter how a condition formed, it still requires treatment.

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Symptoms are how YOU feel. They are treated to help you feel better. If you have a headache that is a symptom and you would use something to lessen it like aspirin.Symptoms are how YOU feel. They are treated to help you feel better.

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There are different treatments for colitis depending on the severity of the condition. For mild symptoms, there should be changes in diet, sometimes steroid medicines are used, and anti-diarrheal medications. Moderate symptoms are treated with cyclosporine, biologics, and sometimes surgery. Severe conditions should be treated at the hospital.

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Yes. There is a marked connection between prinzmetals and seizures. Although the condition is chronic it can be treated with medications.

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No. Rabies is an acute infections disease. Death usually follows a few days after the first symptoms. That is why people are treated quickly after a possible exposure.

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Condition may disappear if the cause of symptoms is eliminated. In other cases, treatment is designed to improve liver function as much as possible; remove or relieve factors that worsen symptoms; and decrease the body's production of poisonous substances

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they kill your body and you will die

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Secondary polycythemia is treated primarily by treating the underlying condition causing the disorder. Some medications may also be taken to treat symptoms. Until the underlying condition is controlled, doctors use bloodletting (phlebotomy).

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Newborns with symptoms of toxoplasmosis are treated with pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine for one year.

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It is only the symptoms of Acne that can be treated.

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Newborns with symptoms of toxoplasmosis are treated with leucovorin for one year to protect the bone marrow from pyrimethamine toxicity.