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Get on your moms phone and play games. if you have a game system play it.Watch TV.

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Q: What can you do if your moms sleep and you are bored to death?
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What is the duration of Bored to Death?

The duration of Bored to Death is 1560.0 seconds.

When did Bored to Death end?

Bored to Death ended on 2011-11-28.

When was Bored to Death created?

Bored to Death was created on 2009-09-20.

Can a cricket sleep?

Yes a cricket can sleep when they need to a cricket always sleep in your moms lap

Is you are bored to death a hyperbole?

Yes,it is a Hyperbole because it is an exaggeration-one cannot really be bored to death.Bored to death actually means to be extremely bored.

What can Hermes do with his wand?

With his wand, he can put the waking to sleep or awaken the sleeping. For example, when Hermes put to sleep the many eyes of Argos. And then he basically bored poor Argus to death and his eyes are now the ones of the peacock.

Are celebrity moms different from regular moms?

Not really. Celebrity moms still have all the same responsibilities that regular moms have. They have to feed them, change diapers, burp them, and put them to sleep at night.

Why does the monkey sleep on monkey quest?

he gets bored

Where did the Mexican soldiers sleep?

they slept in your moms buut hole

What did Lewis and Clark do when they got bored?

They never got bored because there was so much to do and if they did get bored they probably would sleep or eat to regain energy

What is the best thing to do when your bored to death other than watching?

Read, dance, sing, talk, sleep, shop, go to the park, listen to music, and give out free hugs. =)