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Q: What can cause a person to blackout long enough for someone to take something from them?
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What is the palindrome for a person who receives something or someone?

This is usually "a person who revives something or someone." The palindrome is "reviver."

What do you do when you are ask out?

Decide if you like that person enough to go out with them. If yes, go. If not, let them lightly with something like "I don't have enough time for a relationship" or "I'm already involved with someone".

What is a blackout caused by?

A blackout in terms of a person is caused by a very rapid increase in a person's blood-alcohol concentration. This impairs long term memory creation which makes a person unable to recall the past. A blackout in terms of a city or power grid can be caused by many things... the inability to generate enough power for everyone, an overload in the system caused by an explosion or lightning, or intentional causes such as shutting down the system for repairs, during a war, or sabotage.

Can something mean a person?

No. "Something" means what it says, a "Thing". "Someone" means a person!

When is a blackout most likely to be experienced?

Some people experience blackouts after consuming too much alcohol. There are two forms of alcohol blackout. In en bloc blackout, the person experiences amnesia covering the entire period of intoxication. In fragmentary blackout the person experiences partial amnesia of that period. En bloc blackout is unusual. Blackouts should not be confused with passing out, a phenomenon in which people lose consciousness.

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A person who has complete control over someone or something is often referred to as a "dominator" or "controller."

Can you write and publish a story about someone without their approval?

No. They can sue you if you do. The best way to do that is to write something about a person who resembles that person, but who has a different name and lifestyle and enough differences that they can't claim you're writing about them.

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A beseeching is a heartfelt plea from one person to another to do something.

Why do you still think about her?

When you have feelings for someone you don't just get over them overnight - things take time and something obviously attracted you to this person enough to make you still think of them.

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it can if the person is strong enough and why would you want to know? do you have something against puppies or something?

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someone who does something dangerous for someone else who doesnt want to do it

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A besmearer is a person who besmears - who smears something upon something or who sullies someone or something.