for burial mounds and for burial homes
They are, for all intents and purposes, burial mounds. Granted, burial mounds for the extremely wealthy.
Mounds were built for ceremonial and burial purposes.
mounds bar
Burial mounds were one of the purposes of the many mounds constructed by prehistoric natives in the Great Lakes region.
4: the burial mounds, geometric mounds, temple mounds, and the effigy mounds. I love Justin Bieber!! <3
large burial mounds
No, they are burial mounds :)
They were burial
I can't imagine any company naming a candy bar after an Indian burial ground, but if I had to guess, it would be Peter Paul Mounds Candy Bar.
The first people to use burial mounds were ancient societies in various parts of the world, such as the Egyptians, Chinese, and Native Americans. These societies constructed burial mounds to bury their deceased and as a way to honor and remember them.