Cremation became popular due to the belief that the soul cannot enter a new body until its former one has totally disappeared, and cremation was considered the fastest way to expeditiously dispose of the dead bodies. The funeral proceedings differ from place to place. Further, the rites also differ depending on the caste, jāti, social group, and the status of the deceased person.
The cremation of bodies or the Funeral ceremony in Hindu Religion is called Untyeyashti Sanskaar -the last of the Sixteen Sanskaars ( prescribed Rituals) observed by Hindus in their lifetime to be observed by every Hindu.
It is a kind of Yagya or Havan which is performed in fire.
Since this is also believed to be Yagya and like other oblations the mortals are consigned to fire and the Cremation Ceremony is performed with recitation of sermons.
These days the cremations are done in Electric Furnaces as well but still the percentage of such cremations is small
Flowers should not be sent to a Hindu funeral. If a friend wishes to send flowers, it is best to send them after the funeral and cremation, so they are not part of the ceremony. Hindis' use Tulsi, a relative of Basil at the funeral. This is used to pass health benefits on to the dead before their next life begins. The lotus is an important and sacred flower and it is linked to good health and virility. Family members may place lotus flowers and Tulsi over the body of the deceased.
The Hindu god agni is the god of fire and he is also the messanger of the Gods.
The role of a christian priest is to baptise children, preach to a service, vows (when people are getting married) , and preaching at funerals.
it was used to take people across to be buried in the tombs and pyramids
Agni, the fire goddess, who helped prove Sita's fidelity to Rama when she jumped into a fire.she is the god of fire
everything about Buddhist funerals. everything about Buddhist funerals.
he had 6 funerals
A joint Hindu family business is one that is owned by all the males in the family. There have been several questionnaires which aim to find out the role of the joint family in Hindu businesses and relationships.
according to Hindu philosophy fire purifies everything. It is a tradition in certain Hindu culture to walk around the fire, when some important ritual like marriage, upanayam are done. Each circle would have a meaning. Some traditions follow only 3 circles around the fire.
The were no funerals for the Titanic. However, there were several hundred funerals for the passengers who perished during the sinking. Actually (4Jays) there were four funerals on the Titanic. Know your information before you post an answer!
For Funerals to Come was created in 1994-09.