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There is always the assumption is that the wife inherits at least half, if not all, of the husband's assets. But the estate has to liquidate all assets before they can transfer them to the spouse. One way or another, the spouse ends up paying the debt. The spouse has some right in all real property owned by the husband. If the assets are not enough to cover the debt, the real property may have a lien placed against it to cover those debts.

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Q: Spouse has died are you responsible for his credit card debt you live in Hawaii?
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Who is responsible for your spouse's credit card debt?

depending on who was using the card, that's who's fault it would be... I'm going to assume since it was your spouse's credit card, that your spouse is then responsible for it.

Who is responsible for Spouse credit card after death?

The estate of the credit card holder. If the surviving spouse was an approved user, or co-signee they would also be responsible.

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Half and half.

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The estate is primarily responsible. However, a spouse is normally considered to benefit from such debt and can be held responsible.

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If the two of you are married, I believe you are responsible.

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No, the spouse is not responsible. However it does come out there assets left behind.

Is the husband respoNsible for spouse credit card debt if the spouse has passed away?

Debts of the spouse are considered to have benefited both of them. He can be held responsible for the debts.

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Your dead spouse's estate is responsible for the credit card debt. In practice, this may amount to "you are responsible for it."

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