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A person listed as a beneficiary is the receiver of any proceeds from an insurance policy.

They are normally named in the policy document or can be named in a will.

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Q: Person listed as beneficiary
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Can the 1st listed beneficiary deny receiving the death payment If so will the 2nd listed beneficiary receive the money?

If the first person who is listed as the beneficiary does not want the payment it will go to the second person listed. If there is no second person listed it will go to the spouse.

If you are the beneficiary listed on an insurance policy how can a person or persons not listed on the policy contest the claim if a change of benefit form was requested but never submitted?

Legally and contractually the named beneficiary is the beneficiary.

If the person that dies listed a beneficiary instead of a son do the benefits go to the beneficiary or the son?

For an insurance policy and/or retirement benefits it goes to the beneficiary designated. For a will, there could be grounds to contest it.

When someone has a life insurance policy on you does this mean when you die they get the money?

If there is a policy on your life the person currently listed as the beneficiary will be paid upon your death. The person listed as the owner of the policy is the only one who has the right to change the beneficiary. Usually the owner and insured are the same person but not always. You may wish to check on this and change the beneficiary if your situation has changed.

What if no beneficiary is listed?

If no beneficiary is listed on an insurance policy the proceeds will be paid to the decedent/owner's estate.

There is no beneficiary on my mother's life insurance policy?

If no beneficiary is listed on a life insurance policy then the benefits are payable to the insured's estate. The beneficiary can be changed at any time prior to the death of the insured if this is the person's desire.

If the person listed beneficiary on a life insurance policy is deceased will it automatically go to the current wife?

It will go to the alternate beneficiary, if one is listed if not it will be paid to the estate to be distributed in the same way as any other money in the estate.

If an ex-spouse is listed as beneficiary on a life insurance policy does that person remain the beneficiary and receive the money in the state of Georgia?

Generally, yes. A person must be careful to change the name of the beneficiary on their life insurance after a divorce of death of the named beneficiary. You should consult with the attorney who represented the decedent in the divorce to determine the law in your state and whether the divorce decree extinguished the ex-spouse as the beneficiary.

If you are not listed as a beneficiary on your fathers life insurance policy are you entitled to anything?

You are entitled to no proceeds from the life policy if the beneficiary or contingent beneficiary is still alive.

Name for person that inherit a will?

A person who inherits a will is commonly referred to as a beneficiary.

Can a beneficiary on life insurance refuse the responsibility?

It is not a question of refusing responsibility. The beneficiary is the person or institution designated to receive proceeds upon the death of the insured. He/she/it has no obligation to pay future premiums. However, the beneficiary is free to decline the proceeds in which case they will be paid to a contingent beneficiary listed in the policy; in none, the proceeds will be paid to the insured's estate.

How can the beneficiary be removed?

The only person who can remove a beneficiary is the testator or a judge by a court order.The only person who can remove a beneficiary is the testator or a judge by a court order.The only person who can remove a beneficiary is the testator or a judge by a court order.The only person who can remove a beneficiary is the testator or a judge by a court order.