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My father went into one assisted living facility in 2001 and we moved him to the other facility in 2005. I know that the last facility knew of the policy because I have a typed meomo stating that they knew about Dad's live insurance policies in the summer of 2008. Dad passed away in December 2008. I am the beneficiary on the policy.

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Q: My father passed away in 2008 and Nationwide Insurance says that I cannot receive his life insurance money because the assisted living facilities didn't pay on the policies since 2001 and 2005?
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Who can live in a assisted living facility?

Anyone who needs assisted living and either has the insurance to pay for it or the money to do so. Usually the elderly or the mentally unstable tend to reside in assisted living facilities.

Does medical insurance cover assisted living costs?

It depends on the specific health insurance plan your mother has. If she has what is known as "Long-Term Care Insurance" then yes, the costs of assisted living will be covered by the insurance. You should contact her insurance provider for more details about her specific situation.

Whattype of insurance do you need when you reach retirement age where assisted living needs may exist?

When reaching retirement age and considering assisted living needs, long-term care insurance would be beneficial as it can help cover the costs associated with assisted living facilities, home healthcare, and other long-term care services not covered by traditional health insurance or Medicare. It is important to review policy details carefully to understand coverage limits, restrictions, and eligibility criteria. Consulting with a financial planner or insurance agent specializing in long-term care insurance can help you make informed decisions.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of assisted care?

This is known as assisted living. This is actually covered my many major insurance companies, you can check with your personal insurance company to see if they will cover the cost of this.

Does insurance pay for senior assisted living?

What you need is assisted living insurance. Don't take a policy out if you are in good health until you are ready to retire. Make sure the insurance company that you choose has a good rating and check out websites like; and compare rates and policys for assisted living plans for you.

How may assisted living facilities are in the US?

There are approximately 30,000 assisted living facilities in the United States.

Will homeowners insurance cover money stolen at assisted living?

You might want to check with your insurance agent, but cash, stocks, bonds and bullion are typically not covered under your homeowners insurance policy unless specifically scheduled.

Where can a person go to get advice on acquiring auto insurance for teenagers?

The best to get advice on auto insurance for teenagers would be a broker or an agent. If one already has auto insurance, one can call the broker that assisted with the original policy.

How much do assisted living facilities cost on average?

Assisted living facilities can cost $35,628 on average.

How much would assisted suicide cost?

It cost about 100 to 350 dollars depending on insurance.

Which companies offer affordable health insurance quotes?

Most health insurers offer reasonable plans, from Nationwide to Aetna. The difficulty in paying less for health insurance is more often about qualifying for a low rate more than anything else. This entails being healthy and with a good medical history. Another possible option is government-assisted health care. Services like Medicaid exist to help people who cannot afford standard insurance.

What insurance companies offer Maternity plans?

All state assisted programs offer a maternity plan.