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Although there is no legal requirement in some states, an insurance company will answer questions from the executor of an estate, owner of the policy, or whoever had power of attorney over the policy at the time of the insured's death.

The beneficiary has no right to any information on a policy until a claim is to be paid to them.

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Q: Legally does the life insurance carrier have to notify someone who is named as an executor of a life insurance policy if they are different than the beneficiary or spouse?
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Related questions

Who can legally change the beneficiary on a life insurance policy?

The Insured can change the beneficiary on a life insurance contract.

Does a couple have to be legally married to be a beneficiary for each others life insurance beneficiary for their policies?

No. You can name who you choose as your beneficiary.

How can the executor legally keep the property if the heir is not found?

The executor is not entitled to keep the property. They hold it for a period of time (specified in the law) and if the beneficiary isn't found it is distributed according to the law.

Can the executrix put their name on the deed when the property was left to eight people in the Will?

Not unless the executor is also a beneficiary of the property along with the others. The estate must be probated in order for title to be transferred to the heirs legally. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate law. An executor has no legal authority until they have been appointed by the court.Not unless the executor is also a beneficiary of the property along with the others. The estate must be probated in order for title to be transferred to the heirs legally. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate law. An executor has no legal authority until they have been appointed by the court.Not unless the executor is also a beneficiary of the property along with the others. The estate must be probated in order for title to be transferred to the heirs legally. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate law. An executor has no legal authority until they have been appointed by the court.Not unless the executor is also a beneficiary of the property along with the others. The estate must be probated in order for title to be transferred to the heirs legally. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate law. An executor has no legal authority until they have been appointed by the court.

If you are the beneficiary listed on an insurance policy how can a person or persons not listed on the policy contest the claim if a change of benefit form was requested but never submitted?

Legally and contractually the named beneficiary is the beneficiary.

Can your executor be disinherited in your will?

There is no requirement for the executor to be a beneficiary. If it is a natural heir, it would seem to be a bad idea to make them distribute the estate and not get any of it. Or it may be that the payment for settling the estate is sufficient for them. It can be legally done, but you might want to think about it carefully.

Who can legally change the beneficiary on a life insurance policy if the insured is deceased?

A judge, if there is a good enough reason presented to the court.

When a guardian is appointed by the Court does the executor lose his power?

No. The executor has the power and authority to settle the estate according to the provisions in the will and the state probate laws. A guardian is appointed to act on behalf of a child or legally incapacitated person who may be a beneficiary. The guardian is treated by the executor as though she was the person she represents if that person had legal capacity.

Can the executer of a will refuse to give the beneficiary their inheritence?

No, in most cases the executor is legally obligated to distribute the inheritance to the beneficiary as outlined in the will. Refusing to do so without a valid reason could result in legal action against the executor.

If you were someones caretaker until they pass away and they leave you as benificiary on their life insurance policy and not their stepchildren does this legally belong to the caretaker?

The proceeds of the life insurance policy legally and contractually belong to the named beneficiary of the policy, in this case the caretaker.

What is the difference between a policy holder and a beneficiary?

the person in whose name the policy is issued legally is known as policy holder the person who gains insurance cover is known as beneficiary ,it may be himself or dependents(nominees)

Can other immediate family members change the beneficiary of a life insurance plicy?

Typically, only the policyholder has the authority to change the beneficiary of a life insurance policy. Immediate family members would not have the authority to make this change unless they are specifically named as the contingent beneficiary and the policyholder has passed away.