

Is syphilis deadly

Updated: 9/27/2023
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10y ago

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Yes, if it's not treated. Before Penacillin, people died from it all the time. If you have it, you'll need to take antibiotics for 2 weeks. Don't assume you don't have it just because you don't have symptoms. It can hide for years before you start acting funny and then find out it's attacked your nervous system and the damage can't be undone. Besides, you will have spread it to everyone else you slept with. The doctor can tell if you have it with an easy blood test. The treatment is easy, too. Untreated, it will eventually attack all systems in your body, including your brain, and kill you.
If left untreated it can definitely be deadly but in most cases it takes years before the virus even becomes active. Even in it's worst stages it can be treated and cured.
If untreated it has a mortality rate of 8% to 58%, with a greater death rate in males.
Syphilis can eventually cause death.

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