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Q: Is lil mama daddy dead
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Is lil mama dead?

problably not

Night growing vegatables?

Naw Lil DaDDy Or LiL mamA thAtS NoT TrUe So WhAtS HannEnin.....

Is lil Mama the singer dead?

No she is alive.

How lil mama die?

she's not dead...

Is lil mama really dead?

i dont kno but i think not

Why gallery become popular?

because your mama's nice and your daddy's dead

Is lil wayne's father dead?

I guess so cuz on look at me know he said my daddy's dead and my mama's nice so go to look at me know and it will say that is dead so there is ur answer he his dead according to the song.

Is Lil Wayne sister lil mama?

lil wayne is lil mama sister

Is lil mama Haitian?

no Lil mama is not hatian

What is the street Lil Mama live on?

Lil mama road!

Is Lil Mama married?

=lil mama is not married she is young=