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It is certainly legal to do so. The executor must decide on what is appropriate and may charge rent.

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Q: Is it legal to live in the decease's house before the estate is settled?
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Who is responsible in paying the bills of a house left to a person in the will when the will is still not settled?

The estate has that responsibility. Until the estate is settled, the house ownership and responsibilities have not been transferred.

Can I quick deed my father's house he died in March?

If you are not on the title, no, you cannot quit claim the deed. The executor of the estate will have to execute a transfer of the property, once the estate is settled.

Can medicaid take my house when I die?

Medicaid can place a lien on your house to recover the costs of long-term care services provided. However, they cannot take your house while you are alive. Upon your death, Medicaid may seek to recover funds from your estate, including the house, depending on state laws.

If your deceased mom left you the house how do you get it in your name?

If she left you the house in the will, the executor will take care of it. Once the estate is settled, you will be issued a deed in your name. If there is no will, you will have to create an estate and things will be distributed according to the intestacy laws of your state or country.

Can executor sell house against beneficiaries will?

As long as the court agrees, yes they can. The beneficiaries cannot prevent the estate from being settled.

Once an estate is closed and the beneficaries are equally deeded the house. Can the exuctrix take money from the sale proceeds to pay other beneficaries not paid before the estate was closed?

if the house is sold can that money be divided before the total estate is closed

The deed for my house is in deceases aunts name I have always paid the mortgage and taxes as well as performing necessary upkeep how do I go about transferring the deed to me?

Your aunt's real estate is in her estate and her estate must be probated. The property will pass according to the provisions set forth in her will. If there is no will, her property will pass to her heirs at law according to the laws of intestacy in her state. If you are her only heir or heir at law the property will pass to you. However, the estate must be probated in order for the title to the real estate to pass to you legally.

What happens after probate if a house is involved and a beneficiary wants to keep it?

The beneficiary can buy the property from the estate. That means the mortgage must be settled and the price must be market value.

Deceased partner living in house rent free deceased children own house do we still have landlord rights?

What did the will say? Is there a will? The executor is responsible for maintaining and disposing of the estate. The executor can, if it makes sense, rent the home to someone. Once the estate is settled, whomever gets the property has the ability to do what they wish.

What is a large area of land with a large house on it?

a large area of often with a large house on it

Lived with parents for two years till their death. I took care of them. I was told I have to pay rent to stay in the house. This is my legal address.?

Sorry, but the property belongs to the estate. They can charge rent. Hopefully you will inherit the property, or most of the value of it when the estate is settled.

How do you sell a house when a parent dies and no will is left but all surviving children agree to sell the house and split whatever is left?

First, the estate must be probated in order for legal title to the real estate to pass to the heirs. You need to consult with an attorney who specializes in probate law in your area. The attorney will assist you in filing the probate and then advise you about selling the property. The property could be sold through the estate or by all the heirs once the estate is settled.