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Yes, it is illegal, it is basically identity theft.

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Q: Is it against the law to use a deceased person's credit card?
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Related questions

What if person uses deceased persons credit cards?

The use of a deceased person's credit card would constitute credit card fraud. Unlawful use of a credit card is a criminal offense.

Can a credit card company collect from a deceased persons parents?

Not unless they were guarantors of the debt.

What is the penalty in Oklahoma for using a deceased persons credit card and utilities?

Depends what the penalties for theft is - which is exactly what you're proposing !

What Massachusetts law describes who is responsible for a deceased persons credit card debt?

The probate code would explain the process for closing an estate.

Does interest accrue on credit card debt after card holder is deceased?

Interest does not accrue on credit card debt after the card holder is deceased. It can occur however, if the spouse is on the account.

Can a spouse continue to use a credit card of deceased husband?

No. She must get a credit card in her own name since the guarantor on the account is deceased.

Will creditors offer a discount to pay off a deceased persons credit card?

My Dad had a credit card that had a balance of over $12,000 on it. They offered a payment of $3,600 to forgive the debt in full. We paid it and he now owes nothing. His card was a Citi Bank backed card.

Can a credit card judgment against a deceased person be enforced upon widow?

Legal issues are different depending on the jurisdiction.Debts against a deceased person are, usually, levied against the estate of the deceased. If the debt is a joint debt with the widow then the widow will be liable.Consult a lawyer in your area about this.

Who should you call if a credit card company listed you as deceased on your credit report?

You should call the credit card company.

Can an adult child legally use the credit card of a deceased parent in the state of Georgia?

No, an adult child cannot legally use the credit card of a deceased parent in the state of Georgia without authorization. Unauthorized use of a deceased person's credit card could be considered fraud and may have legal consequences.

My wife has been using a credit card of her deceased fathers credit I also used the card but did not know it was on his credit can i be held responsible for credit card fraud?


Can a surviving spouse use her deceased husbands credit card?

Only if she is also on the account. If not, then absolutely not. You can get yourself in a heap of trouble by using the credit card of a deceased person. You must notify the credit card company of the death and close that account.