I have never heard of this sentiment, and I am fairly sure that there is no mention of cremation being negative in The Bible.
As far as the Bible is concerned, it doesn't say anything against it.
There is no verse in the Bible that says that cremation is wrong.
The Bible does not say anything about cremation, but it says a lot about burial.
cremation prices
In the bible it says that witchcraft is against God.
Pentecostals do believe in cremation.
No, cremation is not allowed in Islam.
According to Jewish law, cremation is not acceptable.
Revel in Cremation was created in 2002.
Gays are not against the Bible. When the Bible is used against people in the ways that are hurtful and discriminate they would disagree with someone doing that ( the bible was used as a reason for slavery), but there are many members of the clergy who are gay and who head churches.