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No, but if you don't receive medical aid immediately, you could bleed out very quickly. It depends on if both arteries are cut, how deep, etc.


Just wanted to add some really nasty facts.

During the French Revolution they chopped heads of the noble and wealthy.

The heads were shortly held up for a public display afterwards.

Some tried talking, blinking eyes, crying etc. for the following 30 seconds and up to 1 minute or so.

It is a nasty fast death, but not instant.

Instant death would include total halt in brainprocesses in a fraction of a second.

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Applying extreme torque to the neck can lead to subluxation of the joints. This essentially dislocates the head and does not allow the victim's lungs to work properly. The actual cause of death is suffocation.

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Q: Is breaking your neck an instant death?
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Is the neck more important than your back?

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dont do that or els

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Dangerous Encounters - 2005 Instant Death was released on: USA: 24 October 2009

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Just practice in your house and learn now to ride it and you wont break your neck.

Can you kill someone by breaking their neck?

It depends it can leave them in a wheel chair not being able to do anything apart from breath! but you can die i think Edit: Breaking someones neck will not always lead to death. Though it will lead to paralyzes of the body in specific areas depending on what part of the neck is broken. Also it can, and most often will lead to severe limitations to breathing like in Christopher Reeve's case. Also why would you ask such a question? It would have been better to ask "Can a neck injury kill someone?~Aurion