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Only if they guaranteed the bills or debts. The estate needs to be set up to handle the debts. If there are no assets in the estate, it can close the debts.

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Q: In the state of Texas if a parent dies with no will no estate real estate are the children liable for credit card debt or outstanding medical bills?
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Who is responsible to pay a credit card if the person dies?

The person's estate pays for all outstanding debts.

Is it legal for a husband to take all the money for himself and kick back all the outstanding bills to the deceased wife's estate for her children to have to pay?

The estate has the responsibility to settle all debts, including medical bills. The estate can demand the money back from the husband. Once that is done, then remainder can be distributed to the beneficiaries.

In Alaska are your children responsible for your medical and credit card debt after you die?

They are not responsible for credit card or other creditor debt unless they are joint account holders, nor are they responsible to pay medical bills unless they signed a written agreement to do so. Life insurance death benefits are not subject to creditor attachment or to probate procedure when there is a named beneficiary. No, but your estate is. If you have any property that you WANTED to go to the children, the courts will sell the property to pay outstanding debts. That is often the reason probate takes so long.

Are adult children responsible for credit card and medical bills with an estate?

They are not responsible to do it with their own money. If you are the executor of the estate, yes, insomuch as there are assets to pay them with. If the debts exceed the assets, there are some people who will not get paid, including the beneficiaries.

In Ky is the surviving child responsible for deceased parent medical bill?

No, in Kentucky, children are generally not responsible for a deceased parent's medical bills unless they have signed a separate agreement agreeing to be responsible for them. The estate of the deceased parent would typically be responsible for any outstanding medical bills.

What happens when mom dies and has no estate except life insurance and outstanding credit card debt does executor have to pay the outstanding debt?

Yes, the executor has to pay the debt. Debts are one of the primary reasons someone should open an estate. The estate has to pay off the debts. If the estate cannot do so, they distribute as best they can. If the court approves the distribution, the debts are ended.

Are children responsible for medical bills of a deceased parent when there is an estate or will?

Children are not responsible for the debts of their parents. The estate must settle the debts. The exception would be if a child signed any paperwork gaurenteeing the medical costs.

Does the estate of a decedent have to pay all outstanding debt such as medical bills utilities and insurance?

The estate is responsible for the debts of the decedent. The debts must be paid before any assets can be distributed to the heirs.

Are children responsible for medical bills of a deceased parent in Pennsylvania?

For Pennsylvania the estate has the responsibility to settle the medical bills, not the children. Once that is done, the remainder can be distributed.

What are adult children responsible for paying from a deceased parent with no Will or estate but multiple medical bills?

Probably not. The estate may be used to pay bills but the children should have no personal liabilities.

Will Surviving children have to pay credit card bills?

no, but they can be claimed against your estate before it is given to them.

Are adult children responsible for paying deceased parents medical bills in Florida?

The estate is responsible for the medical debts. The exception would be if the children were the insurance holder or co-signed the medical agreement.