no, our heart does not stop beating because sometimes we intentionally stop breathing (when there is bad smell) but our heart still beats so this is how we understand.
Breathing may stop Seizures Heart may stop Death
you can die by a heart attack or you just stop breathing
Yes they can, but if they stop breathing for too long then they are dead. This happens to millions of people everyday.
Because it is a shock to your heart and so it skips a beat
yes the heart is stronger because if you stop breathing you done. but your brain loses its memory
The reason why every person on the planet needs to breathe lies with the lungs, blood, and the heart. First, breathing circulates your blood. If you stop breathing, the oxygen intake into the blood at the air sacs in the lungs, will drop. And when it drops, health issues occur. When not enough oxygen gets to the blood, the heart will stop. Heart Attack.
Breathing may stop Seizures Heart may stop Death
Systole is the contraction of the heart. Diastole is the relaxation of the heart.
until you stop breathing