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== == I depends upon what her will says.

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Q: If you own a life insurance policy on your spouse and you die first do they become new owner?
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Is the surviving spouse the legal beneficiary of a life insurance policy if no one is named beneficiary?

The policy would default to the Estate. which in most cases the spouse would be the executor of the estate. however, it would have to go through probate court first, so you always want to have a primary beneficiary a life insurance policy.

When did pet insurance become available?

The first pet insurance policy was written in 1890 by Claes Virgin.

Is there any law in PA that says you must use your insurance instead of your spouse's as your primary?

Yes. Whose birthday comes first in the year is the primary insurance policy.

Can you take a second health insurance policy in order to get your husband covered because the first policy won't cover a spouse?

yes. but cheaper to find dif. ins. co. that will cover you both on same policy.

Can medical insurance from your spouse's policy cover you if you have a preexisting condition which makes you not able to buy any insurance by oneself?

In my state, Alabama, it depends on the insurance company. Some don't have the pre-existing clause while some do. But, also in this state, you can only be added to a spouse's insurance under certain conditions if you were added when he or she first enrolls. You need to check with the spouse's HR department at work.

If you have insurance with your employer and your spouse has insurance on you also which insurance is the primary?

If both you and your spouse have full medical coverage then the insurance compnay will revert back to your and your spouse's date of birth. Whoever's birthdate is first in a calendar year, then that is the primary insurance. For example, if your birthday is November 1, but your spouse's birthday is February 12, then your spouses insurance is primary for both of you.

Can you add your pregnant girlfriend to your medical mutual insurance?

No. First your girlfriend cannot be an insured on your medical insurance because she has no legal rights as she is not a family member. Read your policy and you will see who is allowed to be an insured on your policy. Secondly, even if she was your legal spouse the pregnancy is a preexisting condition and would not be covered anyway.

What does a guarantee renewable disability insurance policy guarantee?

A guaranteed renewable disability insurance policy guarantees that you can renew it; in other words, in the event that you do become disabled, and you are collecting disability payments under your policy, they are not going to tell you that since you are disabled, you do not qualify to renew the policy (which, of course, would entirely defeat the purpose of having bought the insurance in the first place, which is to protect yourself from financial hardship in the event that you become disabled).

Can you drop insurance with your employer and use your spouses insurance as primary?

yes If you drop your insurance, your spouse's insurance would not be primary. It would be the only insurance you'd have. "Primary" only comes into play if you are covered by more than one policy. You should check carefully before dropping your own insurance. First of all, be sure your spouse can get family coverage through his employer. My employer only offers individual coverage because family coverage is so expensive. Second, if you both have family coverage, keep the policy with the best benefit-to-cost ratio. If your spouse's policy is cheap but has a high deductible, and yours is more expensive but has only fairly small co-pays, you may have reason to chose one over the other. Or, keep the insurance of the spouse whose job is most likely to still exist several years into the future. If I dropped my insurance I would ask my employer to increase my salary since benefits are part of your compensation, and dropping your insurance saves your employer a great deal of money.

Whom should I insure in policy?

First you need to insure yourself if you are the earning member of your family. If your spouse is also earning then both of you could take an insurance cover in a joint-life policy. It is a good option for working couple since it could serve as a low-cost policy covering both of them. Also If you have children you can cover them in your insurance policy. There are many plans available in market such as family health insurance to cover your love ones or a individual health insurance to cover yourself from unwanted situations.

Does home owners insurance cover the mortgage if you die?

No. Homeowners insurance provides property and liability loss insurance. It is not life or disability insurance. You can purchase a term life insurance policy that decreases in coverage along with the mortgage balance on your home. You can even purchase a joint policy that would pay the house off when the first person (like and husband and wife) dies then the policy would cease. This type of policy is cheaper than purchasing two seperate life insurance policies and still does what you want it to do, that is not leave the surviving spouse with a large mortgage balance on the home if one of you dies before the other.

If damages were paid by another's insurance co can I submit later and collect from my insurance co for same damages?

Only for the unpaid portion of the first insurance policy. For example, if the first policy covers 80% following a $500 deductable, you can file for the remaining 20% and the deductable on your insurance policy.