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Q: If you have whole life assurance life insurance attached to an endowment and your employer pays three time your salary on death in service will your wife be able to claim from all three policies?
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What is mandated employer insurance?

an insurance mandated for an employer

What kind of company is American Fidelity?

"American Fidelity Assurance" is a popular insurance company. "American Fidelity" offers many health care plans and other options under your current employer.

What is group life assurance policy?

A group life insurance policy is an employee benefit program. The employer is the contract holder, and the lives of the employees are insured. If the employee leaves the company the coverage may or may not be convertible to an individual policy (one owned by the former employee, rather than the employer).

Where can one find a quote for employer's liability insurance?

One can find a quote for employer's liability insurance online at various websites. One can get quotes for employer's liability insurance at websites such as Compare the Market, MoneySupermarket, and AXA Insurance.

What if your employer does not carry disability insurance on you?

If you live in Nevada an employer does not have to. In fact the Nevada will defend the employer, if an employee is injured on the job and the employer does not have W/C Insurance. I've been though this.

What is the least hours a person can work and still receive company insurance?

That depends on the employer and the employer's insurance policy.

Can your employer's health insurance require your husband to take his employer's health insurance if his is not free and not as good as yours?

My employer requires that my husband participate in his company's health insurance or they will drop him from their insurance. Insurance is a choice offered as a benefit by the employer because the employer is paying a portion of the cost to be insured. You do not have to participate if you don't want to. Also, the question being answered is that can an employer force an employee's spouse to take coverage offered elsewhere: NO. If a company offers a family health plan, they CANNOT specify that a spouse take other insurance if available. They CAN require that if you are declining coverage from them (your own employer), that you show you have coverage elsewhere.

Can you drop your health insurance coverage at anytime from your employer?

Can you drop your health insurance coverage at anytime from your employer?Read more: Can_you_drop_your_health_insurance_coverage_at_anytime_from_your_employer

What does the workers comp insurance company need from the employer?

The workers comp insurance company requires the employer to insure all the employees.

Can you drop you health insurance coverage at anytime from your employer?

Can you drop your health insurance coverage at anytime from your employer?Read more: Can_you_drop_your_health_insurance_coverage_at_anytime_from_your_employer

Can an employer pay health insurance for you?

Yes the employer can pay the health insurance but is not required to by law. He is encouraged to for bettering the employees benefits.

Do musicians get health and dental insurance?

It depends on where you are as to how you get your insurance. In the United States, your employer ether has health insurance available or does not have health insurance available. Some musicians work for an employer who provide health insurance. Many do not provide it.