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The judgment would of come through the court system. You would need to contact the court to know who to pay.

You can dispute the listing to the credit bureaus, but that doesn't mean it will be removed. They have 30 days to verify the listing and if it isn't verified it must be removed.

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Q: If a creditor has a judgment against you but has died who do you pay or how can you have the judgment removed?
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No. A creditor cannot force the sale of property owned as tenants by the entirety. It could record a lien but then would need to wait. If the non-debtor spouse died they could take the property. If the debtor spouse died they would be out of luck.

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The death of the person who has a judgment against you does not automatically void the judgment. The estate of the deceased person may still pursue collection of the judgment or transfer it to someone else. It is advisable to consult with a lawyer to understand your legal options in this situation.

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No. A benefit of owning property by survivorship is that the moment one owner dies their interest in the property disappears and the survivor is the sole owner. The creditor is out of luck.

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After the applicable statute of limitations runs (typically four years on a credit card debt), the creditor will have a tough time collecting. If the creditor sues, you have to plead statute of limitations as an affirmative defense, but it is a good defense. ==Additional Answer== In some states there is a specific statutory period during which a creditor can make a claim against an estate. In Massachusetts, for example, once an estate has been filed for probate a creditor has one year to make a claim. After that period the creditor is barred from trying to collect from the estate. Check your state laws. If there is an executor then the estate must have been filed in probate court. If the creditor has already filed a claim against the estate in probate court then the claim will need to be paid before any disbursements are made from the assets of the estate. The creditor will not need to bring suit to collect and the claim filed will preserve its right to collect.

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Bathsheba and King David's first child died shortly after birth as a judgment against King David for his sin in killing Bathsheba's husband Uriah. Her second child by King David was Solomon.

Can a debt collector collect on property whose owner is deceased and no deed of conveyance was done for the property in question?

Generally, if a decedent owned land and judgment liens had been recorded in the land records before he died the creditor could have the sheriff sieze and sell the land to satisfy the debt. If the liens were not recorded before the death of the debtor the creditor would be out of luck because real property passes to the heirs at the time of death. However, the creditor can make a claim agains the estate by filing the claim in probate. You should consult with an attorney in your area since state laws vary.

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What happens when a promissory note was signed by two people and one died?

If you co-signed a promissory note and the other co-signer died the creditor will expect you to pay the debt. You can try to file a claim against the estate of the dedecent for half of the amount owed. However, if unsuccessful you will be responsible to repay the full amount due.