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Unless the "child" is an adult there generally is no estate. If they are an adult the relative nearest to them inherits For instance, my estate would go to my mother since she is my nearest living relative.

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Q: If a child dies with no will do parents and siblings share equally in the estate?
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Estate leave nothing to one child?

Yes, you can disinherit a child by will. If there was no will, the child would take equally with his siblings via intestacy.

If your parents' will left their estate to you and two siblings but your sister took a lot of personal things can she do that?

If your parents' will specified that the estate is to be divided equally among all siblings, then your sister is not entitled to take more than her share without the agreement of the other siblings. If she has taken personal belongings without consent, you may need to consult with a lawyer to address the situation legally.

What were the advantages to Moses living as a young child with his own mother?

The emotional benefits are well-documented. But an equally important point is that both of his parents, and his siblings, taught him of his Israelite heritage.

Can adopted child in Virginia claim their biological parents estate?

No. Adoption removes the rights to the biological parents' estate.

Can other siblings cut another sibling out of a single parents estate when there is no will in Alabama?

No. The estate will be divided according to the Alabama laws of intestate succession. Under Alabama law when there is no surviving spouse the issue of the decedent, if they are all of the same degree of kinship (children) to the decedent they take equally, but if of unequal degree, then those of more remote degree take by representation (children of a predeceased child will take their parent's share and then share it equally amongst themselves). See related link.

If there is no will whoo determines how an estate is divided among siblings?

Every state has laws that determine the distribution of a decedent's property when there is no will so you have to check that state's laws. But generally, spouses and descendants will take first. If there are no spouse and no children and no children of predeceased children, then the estate goes up the line to the parents. If there are no parents the estate goes to the decedent's siblings in equal shares. If there are some living children and some predeceased children, then the children of that predeceased child takes the share that the predeceased child would have taken.

Parents estate is left to child does child pay parents debts?

The estate is responsible for paying off any debts. However, in most cases if the debts exceed the value of the estate, the child is not required to pay the difference. This may not keep the collectors from trying.

How to treating sibling equally?

you have got to be understanding, do not favour one child, have the same rules for all the siblings.

If the parents of the child get married who is responsible for child support?

They both equally are responsible for the financial, emotional and physical well being of the child.

Can a foster child get an estate after their foster parents die?

A foster child have no birth right after their foster parents so it's only if they are mentioned in the will.

Is child responsible for parents credit card debt after death?

I think that would be paid out of the estate and not by the child.

Who were Mary Tudor siblings?

Mary is the only child of her parents who survived childhood