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In a slightly different format, can be attributed to the first Philipino saint... St. Lorenzo Ruiz, died 1637after being tortured, in Japan for refusing to renounce his faith. See links:

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Q: Id rather die a thousand death than to renounce your faith?
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Can you give me a sentence using the word martyrdom?

The following sentence correctly uses "martyrdom": St. Stephen of the early Church was stoned to death for refusing to renounce his faith, and his martyrdom has been an inspiration to Christians throughout the centuries. The definition of martyrdom, according to is: (n) The conditions, suffering, or death of a person who willingly suffers death rather than renounce his or her religion.

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Saint Stephen is considered a saint in the Catholic Church because of his strong faith and courage in the face of persecution. He was the first Christian martyr, as he was stoned to death for his belief in Jesus Christ. His actions and steadfastness in the face of death have been revered by Christians for centuries.

When was Rather Death Than False of Faith created?

Rather Death Than False of Faith was created on 1988-03-08.

Who would not renounce his faith and was killed?


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The Roman emperor had all Christian soldiers arrested and gave them a choice of renouncing Christianity or being put to death. George refused to renounce his faith.

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St. George made the decision to stand strong in his faith and refuse to renounce Christianity, even when faced with the threat of death. This unwavering commitment led to his martyrdom and subsequent recognition as a Christian saint.

How can you the word renounce as verb in a sentence?

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Who was the saint who would not renounce his faith and was killed?

That description would describe hundreds of saints.

why did they kill saint Lucy?

Saint Lucy was martyred during the persecution of Christians in the early 4th century by the Roman authorities. Lucy refused to renounce her Christian faith and faced various forms of torture before she was ultimately killed. Her strong belief in her faith and refusal to waver led to her martyrdom.

I want to know word that you use for someone who leaves his or her own religion and startsbelieving in another religion?

The word is Apostate - to switch religion or renounce ones faith - Muslims consider this "change of mind" worthy of the death penalty! That's right - change your mind and you deserve death!

Was martyrdom of Polycarp encouraged?

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