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While the estate has primary responsibility in Louisiana, in most cases they will be held responsible. They are deemed to have benefited from to goods and services.

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Q: IN LA if your spouse dies and no will and leaves credit card debt with cards in her name only are you responsible to pay that debt?
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In California is a spouse responsible for a deceased spouse's credit cards?

If your name is on the account you have to pay. If not, you need to send a copy of the Death Certificate.

Is spouse responsible for husbands debts in Arkansas?

yes only if married at the time or unless if their credit cards no

Spouse died and had credit cards in his name only will wife be responsible for paying creditors in Ohio?

No you wont be, as the credit was in his name only, because if he dies you cannot use the credit cards as they are in his name not yours. This is how I understand the system here in australia.

If a spouse dies and had unknown individual unsecured credit debt is the surviving spouse responsible for paying these credit cards or medical bills?

If nothing else, the spouses Estate would have to pay it, if there was $$$ for more info see

If your spouse files for Chapter 7 and you are an authorized user of her credit cards are you responsible too?

An authorized user is never responsible for credit card debt. However, if the married couple live in a community property state they are in general terms both equally responsible for all debts.

If my husband dies and leaves credit card debt and our childrens parent plus loan debt am I responsible for assuming the debt in PA?

not if you have death insurance on the loan and credit cards

If your spouse dies and has credit cards in their name only can the surviving spouse negotiate with the creditors to get the amount reduced?

yes they can

Are you responsible to pay a debt in NC if your spouse dies and has a will and leaves credit card debt with cards in her name only?

No. NC is not a community property state. Therefore the debt belongs completely to the deceased. Probate procedure for collecting and distributing assets and paying debts, are governed by state law.

If you and your spouse are separated but still legally married can you be held responsible for the debts incurred after the physical separation?

You'd better believe it. Even if the Judge rules that you are not responsible for certain debts, the credit card companies don't care. They will come after you anyway and your credit report will be affected. If you have a "legal" separation" read what it says about these debts. Contact the credit bureau and place a notice in the file that you are legally separated and not responsible for the spouse's debts. This may prevent the spouse from getting more credit. Doubt it will help what has already been done, but do everything you can to get the records clear on that subject. Then cancel all credit cards in both names and open new cards in your name only. Close your checking account and get new one. Then get the divorce rolling. Only when you are legally divorced are you safe from any future debts incurred by the spouse.

How do credit cards build credit?

Credit cards aid to build credit history in the same manner that any debt, whether it is from purchasing a car or by just paying rent. Be responsible with credit cards. You should not overspend.

Who is responsible for the debt on your late wife's credit cards if she passed away last week and she had a couple of credit cards in her name only and you live in Maryland?

Maryland is not a community property state, therefore the surviving spouse is not responsible for repayment of debt that was solely incurred by the deceased. The debts will become a part of the deceased's estate and will be handled according to state probate laws.

When separating or divorcing who is responsible for the credit cards?

the person who opened the account. (wife,husband). for example. if the wife had registered the credit card, she would be responsible for anything that has to do with the credit card. unless, the husband damaged or took over the credit card account. who ever's name the account is under is held responsible. If one spouse refuses or will not pay debt they are not forced to, however they will check if the other spouse is willing to pay. either way one will have to pay or take hold of the credit card. Then someone will be forced to or both may have to come up with an even amount of money.