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Embalming is a procedure the Funeral Home does to the body so that the corpse does not decompose but looks as it did when buried.

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Q: How would an embalmed corpse in a casket look after two weeks Would everything be decomposed by then or not?
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What does mummy stand for?

There is no acronym for the letters MUMMY.The word "mummy" for an embalmed corpse comes from the Latin mumia, a form of the Arabic word mumiya meaning an embalmed corpse or the embalming material (bitumen)."Mummification" means to preserve by removing bodily fluids, a form of embalming.

Why do they call mummies 'mummies'?

The word comes from the Latin 'mumia', which means an embalmed corpse.

Why do corpses make a moaning sound?

If a corpse has not been embalmed, it will decay, and the process of decay produces methane gas, and when the gas escapes from the corpse it can produce a moaning sound.

What is a paupers casket?

The expression "a pauper's casket" can relate to a low cost casket provided by the government for indigent people. Sometimes a reusable casket is meant: in former times indigent dead people were taken to the cemetery in a casket with a bottom which could be opened up; then, at the graveside the shrouded corpse was left in the grave while the casket was reused again.

How do you spell memay?

The spelling Memay is an uncommon given name.Similar common words include memory (remembering) and mummy (embalmed corpse).

What Norse Goddess was half a beautiful women and half a decomposed corpse?

Hel or Hella, Goddess of the Underworld

Do you have a picture of Michael Jackson corpse?

I doubt there is a picture of his corpse because every time his body was shown he was covered up. Like when they took his body to the morgue the body was covered. And at his funeral his casket was closed.

How many people are dead when they go to Valley fair?

Most likely 0. However a corpse may be carried in via casket.

Is there going to be a third season of corpse princess?

From everything I have read on the net it's seems like there will not be a third season of Corpse Princess

What is a stone coffin in which wood coffins were placed?

A tomb. One might also think of a sarcophagus, but traditionally the corpse was placed without a wooden casket into the stone sarcophagus.

Why Egyptian. Mummies. Called. Mummies?

The English word mummy is derived from medieval Latin mumia, a borrowing of the medieval Arabic word mūmiya(مومياء) and from a Persian word mūm (wax), which meant an embalmed corpse

What is the difference between burial and cremation?

A Burial is when the casket is lowered into the ground with the body, intact, inside. A Cremation is when the casket and the body are burned into ashes, then give to family/friends. A burial is often much more expensive that a cremation.