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Q: How many trazodone does it take to commit suicide?
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at least 20

Why did Elvis commit suicide?

Evils didn't commit suicide. His death was accidental caused by a cocktail of prescription drugs he used to take.

What was Hamlet trying to figure out when he said to be or not to be?

Hamlet is considering to commit suicide or not to commit suicide (to be or not to be, respectively). Then he makes a long speech of how death is very lonesome and it is dark. His final decision is to not commit suicide and go along with his plan to take down Claudius.

Why do people commit suicide every year?

Because they cant take on life, they are depressed, there are many reasons why. Each with there own stories

Why did Martin Lev commit suicide?

Martin suffered from ME for many years. This eventually sent him into a depression which drove him to take his own life in 1992.

How long should it take when you Overdosed from Bullying?

Never commit suicide because of bullying! :C

What are some of the reasons for suicide bombing?

that if u want to commit sucide why not take others with u

Do people mean to die?

some people if they commit suicide or don't take care of their body.

Can you take acetaminophen while taking trazodone?

yes acetominophen will not interact with trazodone it is safe to take togather

How many kids die from being bullied every day?

Teenagers commit suicide everyday because they can't take the bullying anymore. You have no idea how bad it can get!!

When is the best time of day to take trazodone?

Since trazodone causes drowsiness, it is often used as a sleep aid making the best time to take trazodone before bed. Trazodone is best absorbed when taken with food.

How is committing suicide selfish?

If a person does commit suicide it is very selfish as we are not to take our own lives we must remember our near and dear ones , and this act is unforgivable.