Let's assume that the "Space Race" characterized the period from 1957 to 1972 ...
an interval of 15 years. I don't have precise statistics, but it would certainly be
safe to assume that during any period of 15 years in modern history, although
the direct influence of the space race itself was negligible, many millions of people
died, of natural and other causes, in countries throughout the world.
Seven astronauts lost their life's during the Columbia disaster.
14 on the space shuttle
No Americans have died in space. All the deaths during spaceflight have been during launch (7) , during re-entry (7), or on pre-launch tests (3).
millons of people died
a thousands people died
about 16000 people died
I think that many people died in this thing
14 people have lost their lives in space shuttle accidents - seven each on Challenger and Columbia. (Two searchers were also killed in a helicopter accident during recovery of the Columbia.)
i think3 people died
There were a lot of people who died. It was very tragic.
OVER 200 but excepet from the people traveling to space which eventually died on a journey by ashae