As of 2021, it is estimated that very few, if any, people born in the US in 1924 will still be alive. This means that the percentage of people born in 1924 who are alive today would be extremely low, possibly close to 0%.
Alive at 84.
Yes he is still alive, he was born on October 15, 1924.
As of March 2012, Jimmy Carter, who was born on October 1, 1924, is still alive and very active.
NO ! There are lots of people that are still alive that aren't in the USA .
George H.W. Bush was born on June 12, 1924 and is still alive (as of October 27th 2015)
As of 2021, about 48.7% of people born in 1949 are still alive. This percentage will continue to decrease as time goes on.
As of 2021, approximately 34% of people born in the UK in 1951 are still alive.
Ethel Boswell Darden was born in 1900 and is still alive.
According to Wikipedia, nobody born before 1897 is still alive.