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Q: How many people are dying from starvation?
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The different between 'die of' and 'die from'?

it is the same thing. it's like: dying of starvation and dying from starvation. it's the same thing

Who cut pandas?

People didn't cut pandas they just cut down the bamboo trees they need for food and they are now dying of starvation!

What were 3 causes of men dying in Jamestown?

Disease, starvation, accidents.

Did people starve during the dark age?

many people died of starvation

What sort of hobbies were the Virginia colony into?

They were just trying to survive their new surroundings. One such town included Jamestown. Being in a new area it took a while to adapt to their surroundings. Starvation lead to many people dying within it.

How many people were gassed at bergen-belsen?

None. The people died of disease or starvation.

What are the secret of Abraham Lincoln during the civil war?

He was dying of starvation and so was most of the USA.

What would cause gerbiles to die?

chemicals, chocolate, citrus fruit, starvation, dying of thirst

Why colonists were dying?

Starvation, sickness, no proper shelter in winter, Indian attacks, that kind of stuff.

How many people die in five seconds as a result of starvation?


In 2008 how many people in Africa died of starvation?

2.89 million

How else did the people in world war 1 die?

obviously the from all the fighting. but also from starvation; many trading lines were cut off and people could not grow or produce food so many people died from starvation.