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It depends on why your heart and lungs stopped; there are clinical cases of people being revived thrity minutes or more after "drowning."

In general, however, four minutes after the heart stops, the brain dies of oxygen deprivation.

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Q: How long does it take for your mind to shut down after you have stopped breathing and your heart has stopped beating?
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Your heart stops working (beating). Other body systems may also shut down (eg. breathing).

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No, your heart does not stop beating when you pass out. It just slows down to a very harmful and possibly deadly rate. As for the person who added the other answer if you think that it stopped beating go to the emergency room right away or call rescue. There is a major problem if that really happened. I think mine just did. Scary as hell. Now I'm looking for help

If the heart has stopped beating for thirty minutes can it be restarted?

Hey there. I'm a fourth year medical student and probably not fully qualified to answer this question, but I'll do my best. First off, following a heart attack, usually the heart continues to beat, although it may beat less effectively, or develop an arythmia. If the heart actually stops beating, this is called asystole. Asystole is rare, and once a person has entered asystole, it is very hard to restart their heart. It is generally a confirmation of death, rather than a condition that is considered treatable. Defibrillating an asystolic heart is unlikely to be helpful. So to answer your question, no, if a heart has stopped beating for thirty minutes, it usually cannot be restarted. In fact, the timeframe for restarting a heart that has stopped beating is only around 90 seconds to 5 minutes, and even within this time, restarting an asystolic heart is rarely successful. The exception to this is if the person whose heart has stopped is given really good CPR from the moment that their heart stops beating, in order to maintain blood supply to the heart. This can extend the timeframe in which an unbeating heart is restarted. In addition, if the unbeating heart is chilled to a near freezing temperatures (ie, removed from the chest), this can slow down the death of cardiac tissue and again prolong the survival of cardiac tissue so that it can still be restarted after 30 minutes.

If you stop breathing would your heart slow down?


Can CPR help a asthma victim?

If the asthma victim's heart has stopped beating, then yes, CPR can help restart the heart. However, CPR can't cure what caused the heart to stop, which in an asthma victim, is most likely a lack of oxygen. If the underlying asthma attack is not treated so that the person can get enough oxygen, their heart will likely stop again soon after it is restarted. Asthma causes the airways to swell shut. The airways must be opened up by medications and/ or a breathing tube down the throat inserted by a doctor. Otherwise, the rescue breathing that is done during CPR will not be as effective in giving the person oxygen, because the air cannot get past the closed-up airways. In short, yes, CPR helps an asthma victim, and should be done immediately for anyone whose heart has stopped beating. However, in order to survive long term, the victim should be taken to a hospital by ambulance right away so that the cause of the problem can be treated.

Which object in the story BEST symbolizes the beating of the heart the lantern the watch the corpse the bell?

The object that BEST symbolizes the beating of the heart in the story is the watch. The watch serves as a reminder of the passage of time, much like the beating of a heart, and creates a sense of impending doom as it counts down to the final hour.

If your heart stops for 5 seconds is it possible to come alive?

Death is medically defined as cesation of the heart beating. Once the heart has stopped beating, you have between 2-6 minutes to get the heart restarted before mild to severe brain damage occurs. During this time, performing CPR can stave off the effects to some extent. In other words, if a person has a heart attack and their heart has stopped, performing CPR on the downed person will sustain the brain getting the necessary oxygen to stay alive as well the allow the heart to perfuse or send blood to vital organs throughout the body. However if the heart is not able to be restarted during this time, then the person is dead. So to Answer the question, if someone is "down" for 20 minutes, with their heart stopped, and it is restarted, there is an extremely high probability of irreversible brain damage/persistent vegetative state. In other words, they are brain dead and not alive even though their heart is still beating. So . . . NO a person cannot live again after their heart has been stopped for 20 minutes.

When is your breathing likely to slow down?

Your breathing is likely to slow down when you are relaxed or engaged in activities that promote calmness and reduce stress, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or gentle yoga. It can also slow down during sleep as your body enters a relaxation state.

Why is water so important to animals?

If animals didn't have water the body wouldn't be able to function properly. Your blood would be too thin and your heart would slow down until it all together stopped beating. When you go long periods without water, your body slowly starts to shut down. ~ ~Sleenky

Is it abnormal for your heart to slow down when you inhale.?

Typically, heart rate increases with inhalation. It is not normal for the heart to slow down with inhalation.

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I think you may mean a heart rate... To slow it down you should cool down after your work out. Try walking for a bit after you run and slow down your breathing with deeper, longer breaths.