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As long as it is a normal life insurance policy and you answered the questions on the application honestly you only have to make one monthly payment. A conditional receipt is issued when you take out the policy. If you purchase one of the TV life insurance policies or a guaranteed issue policies they are different. They have a limited benefit and don't pay for the first 2 years. By then you have almost paid the total amount of the policy. These are only for people who cannot get any life insurance anywhere else but you would be better off putting the premiums in the bank. Also there are certain exclusions on any life insurance such as suicide in the first 2 years. After the policy has been in force for 2 years it will pay even for suicide under a normal life policy.


Term insurance is paid from the time you sign up to the end of the term, at which time coverage ends. A single payment premium type insurance may be difficult to understand, and the payoff may be equal to your whole life account balance at the end.

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Q: How long do you have to pay your life insurance before you died to get a pay off?
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What products does Prudential life insurance offer?

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