The severity of the case and the other present symptoms make each case of cachexia different, but if a person begins exhibiting signs of cachexia, the chances of death increase dramatically. Cachexia means that a patient is losing weight without trying, and the lost weight cannot be replaced calorically. When this begins to appear in a patient, it is not a very good sign.
I do not know How long they live
The prefix of cachexia is "cach-"
can cachexia be cured.
You need energy to survive, so you cannot survive without energy.
They can survive indefinitely as long as the food is nutritious and they have plenty of water.
What is HZ and where would one find it to treat cachexia
In reference to cachexia, HZ stands for hydrazine sulfate. More information can be found at http:/ .
Cachexia is a debilitating disease usually associated with cancer, certain infectious diseases, and other autoimmune disorders. It is also called the wasting syndrome.
until the hand gets tired
You can survive on water alone for a maximum of 3 weeks.
Cachexia is primarily caused by the complex interplay of pro-inflammatory cytokines, tumor-derived factors, and metabolic alterations. These factors lead to a systemic inflammatory response, muscle wasting, and increased energy expenditure, ultimately resulting in the depletion of fat and muscle mass seen in cachexia.