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After three minutes of not breathing, the brain is essentially devoid of use. After 5 minutes of not breathing, the body shuts down.

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Q: How long a person die when he stop breathing?
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What do they do to people when they die?

Stop breathing.

What happen when you stop breathing?

You die.

What are the effects when you stop breathing?

You die dipshiz

How do you die in your sleep?

you can die by a heart attack or you just stop breathing

Why can't you stop breathing voluntarily?

Because you will die

Can YOU die?

Only if you stop breathing, but it isn't likely.

Why is it that sometimes when you stop breathing you pass out but other times you die?

if you stop breathing due to blockages in the lungs or esophagus, then you cannot breathe, if you pass out, your natural body system kicks in and keeps you breathing.

Why do people die in sleeping?

Most likely because they stop breathing.

What happens if you don't perform CPR on an unconscious person?

If they are unconscious and breathing, nothing will happen. If they are unconscious and not breathing, they will die.

What will happened if a person pulse will stop?

The person will die.

What do you think will happen if the heart stop pumping?

you would stop breathing and die. after a few days you would get cold and your insides would explode

Can a long term alcoholic die of alcohol toxicity?

Yes, if the person overdoses. Long term alcoholics need to either stop drinking or moderate their drinking.