A reptomammaloid is a reptomammalian humanoid creature. It is
also any animal similar to a reptomammal.
What is a mammavianoid?
A mammavianoid is a mammavian humanoid creature. It is also any
animal similar to a mammavian.
What is a reptavianoid?
A reptavianoid is a reptavian humanoid creature. It is also any
animal similar to a reptavian.
What sort of creature was a manticore?
A manticore was similar to the Egyptian sphinx. It had a human
head and the body of a lion. Originating in Persia, this mythical
creature would eat its prey whole.
How do you get a frankeinstien leash in growtopia?
You can craft it in the ez-cook oven/lab in growtopia but you
need cemicals first in order to. You can ONLY get chemicals from
the science table witch you have to splice.