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Q: How do you manage risks associated with dilemmas between individuals rights and the duty of care?
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How do you manage risks associated with conflicts or dilemmas between an individual's rights and the duty of care?

I need help with dat Q sum body answer it plz :'(

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Life expectancy can vary for individuals with Robinow syndrome depending on the severity of their symptoms and associated complications. In general, most individuals with Robinow syndrome have a normal lifespan, but some may experience health issues that can affect their life expectancy. It is important for individuals with Robinow syndrome to receive regular medical monitoring and appropriate care to manage their condition.

Can you explain how risk assessments relates to rights and responsibilities?

Risk assessments help to identify potential hazards and their associated risks, which enables individuals and organizations to take proactive measures to manage and mitigate those risks. By conducting risk assessments, rights to safety and responsibilities for ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals are upheld, as it allows for informed decision-making processes to protect individuals from harm.

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If employees are able to manage themselves, then they need less management by managers, who otherwise are likely to be overworked, and who will not appreciate the lack of responsibility shown by people who do not manage themselves.

A person who works to manage relations between is?

A person who works to manage relations is called a negotiator.

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How does duty of care affect your work role?

the duty of care affect my work by going on trainingyou have a duty of care under commercial law to let other people live the way they want as long as they are not hurting anyone or other people's property. Also an employer has a duty of care to employees to make sure their workplace is a safe environment to work in.

What are pay applications?

Pay applications are applications businesses and individuals can use to manage their money. For instance, PayPal is a pay application.