Typically, the person being insured must consent to the life insurance policy. Without the person's consent or insurable interest, it is not permissible to take out a policy on them. Doing so could be considered fraudulent.
No, YOu must have an insurable interest and they must sign for it. There is an exception to that rule when a reletive buys coverage for a minor. They still must have an insurable interest. 4lifeguild
Of course not. If you know someone has planted marijuana on your property you must report it to the police or you will be charged.
Honestly, I don't live in Mass but I do know that no tatoo place unless you know someone will not perform a piercing unless you have parental consent.
If the teenager is added to the parents' insurance, then consent is automatic as it is the parents who make the arrangement. As to whether a teenager can buy his or her own policy without parental consent, that may vary from company to company and state to state. Is is best to check with an independent insurance agent who is authorized to speak for several different companies, and will know any applicable state regulations.
Do not know about the UK , but in the USA if you tell them you are recording it floats
They wouldn't know someone was driving your car without a license so it would go up. However, if they have a wreck in your car the insurance company will most likely not cover the accident because the person didn't have a license.
I do know someone in the insurance business. The lady that lives across the street sells insurance for State Farm.
I know in Florida if you're pregnant you can get married.AnswerThere is no state where someone under the age of 18 is allowed to marry without parental consent or special circumstances/court approval.
No, not in any jurisdiction I know of.
If you know the name of the insurance company, contact them. If you don't, there's no way of knowing. Generally, you would have had to sign the application so presumably you would already know if someone had taken out a life insurance policy on you.
Not without parental consent.