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Q: How do you get rid of the smell of dead people out of your house?
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Remove the dead birds

How do you get rid of dead corpse smell in home?

Spray some Febreeze around in that house bro. From personal experience, I found it works very well.

How do you get rid of a dead squirrel smell in the house?

First remove the dead squirrel, then clean up the area with bleach and water. next, spray some air freshner daily until smell seems to may have to repeate the bleach and h2o process...

What do you do when you smell fumes?

If you smell fumes, you should get out of the room, car, or house. Opening windows will help get rid of the smell.

What did the European people use to try to get rid of the smell of dead people lying in the streets during the plague?

Many people carried flowers, scented herbs or perfumes with them.

How do you get rid of smell in house?

Buy 'Febreze' Happy to help =)

Will pine-sol get rid of dead mouse smell?

it won't get rid of it but it will help with the putrid undertones of rotting carcass use BacaTec

How do you get rid of dead rat smell when you can't find the rat?

The Only Way To EVER Get The Smell Completely Out, Would Be To Find It. Call an exterminator to do the job.

How do you get landlord rid a dead animal under house?

He has to call a professional.

How do you get rid of cayotes in your neighborhood?

you put garlic and salt all around your house so they can smell it

How do you get rid of gasoline smell in the house?

Leave the windows open for a while.Then put some air freshner all over the house.

How do you get rid of mothball smell in my house?

To get rid of mothball smell in your house, you can air out your home by opening windows and using fans to increase ventilation. Additionally, you can place bowls of vinegar, activated charcoal, or coffee grounds around the house to help absorb the odor. Cleaning surfaces with a mixture of water and vinegar can also help eliminate the smell.