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You can search from the branch office of insurance co. from where the policy was issued about nomination in the said policy, or you can take help from Customer Zone of the Insurance Co. located in your city.

Depending upon where you live (which country), this answer can greatly differ. In the US, as long as you have ownership of the policy in question, you can just call the insurance company and ask them who the beneficiary is. If you are not the owner, then ask the owner of the policy (the insured or someone else) to ask for you. Be well.

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Q: How do you find out if someone made you beneficiary on a life insurance policy?
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How can you find out if someone left insurance policy and named me as the beneficiary after they passed away?

if someone died and left an insurance policy and named me beneficiary how can i find out

How do you find out who the beneficiary is on a life insurance policy?

You can typically find out who the beneficiary is on a life insurance policy by checking the policy documents or contacting the insurance company directly. The beneficiary information is usually listed on the policy itself, in the beneficiary designation form, or in the insurer's records.

Am i the beneficiary of my husband's life insurance?

If he put you in as the beneficiary, then Yes. Look at the policy and find where it says beneficiary to make sure.

How can you find out if someone has a life insurance policy?

Things may have changed since I worked in insurance (1997-1998), but generally speaking the existence of an insurance policy could only be confirmed to the insured, the policy owner, or a beneficiary, or someone with power of attorney for one of them. *Check with The Center for Life Insurance Disputes.

How do i find out the name of the life insurance company so you can cash in your policy?

If you believe that you are a beneficiary of someone's life insurance policy, but don't know which insurance company - go to court and request to see the probate file of the deceased's estate. It should be listed there.

How can you determine if you are a beneficiary of a life insurance policy?

The beneficiary of a life insurance policy is designated when the policy is taken out. After that the policy owner (usually the insured but now always) can change the beneficiary by completing a change of beneficiary form. The company processes the change then sends you an amendment showing the change. Normally you put this amendment with the policy as it becomes part of the policy. If the policy owner kept their records straight then you could look at the policy and see the latest amendment to find out who the current beneficiary is. If your not sure the policy is kept up to date you can contact the company and see who the latest beneficiary is on the policy.

How do you find life insurance policy with social security number?

The only way to find a person or deceased Life Insurance policy with a Social Security number is to know the name of the company that issued the policy. With that information, the beneficiary can contact the Life Insurance company and search his policy with his Social Security number. Please keep in mind that if you do not have a signed sealed death certificate the policy benefits will not be issued. Also, the death benefit will only be issued to the person named as the beneficiary. So if someone else besides the named beneficiary on the policy tries to receive the benefits, it would be impossible.

How do you find out if you are a payable on death beneficiary?

You would need to ask the owner of the account or insurance policy owner.

How can you find out who a beneficiary is on a life insurance policy when the life insurance company will not say?

Beneficiary information is privately held by the owner of the policy. The only way you can find out is to ask that person. The company would be seriously violating privacy laws to give you this information. If you own the policy, explain that and ask what you need to give them in order for them to verify.

How do you find out if you are the benificiary to a life insurance policy?

Ask the insured if still alive, or check the policy. You can also call the insurance company and ask customer service if you are the beneficiary. You would need the policy number.

A relative died living you the beneficary but you are not sure what insurance company how do you find out?

You may be the beneficiary of the will and there may not be any insurance. If you were named on an insurance policy, the insurance company will find you. They have your name and probably your address, both of which are required to name you as the beneficiary. Also contact the executor of the will, as they may have records on the policies involved.

Can a late husband's ex wife take money from the life insurance policy he left his current wife?

Unless the ex husband changed the beneficiary to someone else, then the insurance money goes to her. It is not really an issue of relationship, but rather the person named is the one who gets it.